odommobangladesh@gmail.com Banani, Dhaka


Showing 1–16 of 17 results

What is Sponsor A Child?


Sponsor A Child is an initiative of মজার ইশকুল :: Mojar School to pair an underprivileged child to a sponsor guardian. Through this initiative, anyone who wants to make a positive impact on social prosperity can do it by taking responsibility of one child’s educational costs. Donors can donate monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or yearly according to their convenience. Each month’s donation amount is BDT 1500 only.


An educational guardian will receive all updates on the students as well as s/he can meet with students. মজার ইশকুল :: Mojar School offers a sponsorship program by aligning its goal which is to “Make Street Child Free  Bangladesh”.


What is the “Impact Stories” campaign?


It has been 13 years since মজার ইশকুল :: Mojar School is working for underprivileged children. During this period, many generous personnel support some of our students by being their sponsor guardians. Their continuous support, our student’s relentless hard work, their legal guardian’s willingness and our team support slowly make a big impact on them as well as for their community. Now it’s time to look behind to understand the impact of the Sponsor A Child program. To portray all the pioneer stories we are going to run a  campaign for 5 months long. 


The campaign will be run via all social media platforms of মজার ইশকুল :: Mojar School. This campaign’s main goal is to compare the students’ stories and reveal how sponsorship has been working to bring sustainable change. This campaign goal is to give a short recap and give a constructive idea about the effectiveness of the initiative with true stories. Also here will be quoted some of our sponsor’s feedback who have been helping those students for years.  


To see the whole campaign go through our Facebook page and all other social media platforms. Facebook links are mentioned below.

#Impact_Story    #পরিবর্তনের_গল্প #2013_2023_10Years
#Sponsor_A_Child    #Mojar_School_মজার_ইশকুল

Campaign Details – https://obf.org.bd/donate/campaign-for-sponsorship-2023/

Sponsor A Child Today – https://obf.org.bd/sac/

Whatsapp + Telegram : 015 1188 6905

Donate a Goat
৳ 24,000.00
Donate a New VAN
৳ 25,500.00
Donate a Rickshaw
৳ 32,500.00

২০২২-২০২৩ ফাইনান্সিয়াল ইয়ারে আমরা আরও ১০০ পরিবারকে নতুন রিকশা প্রদান করতে চাই। বিগত বছর গুলোতে আমরা প্রায় ২০০ পরিবারকে স্বাবলম্বী করেছি, তারই ধারাবাহিকতা ও অভিজ্ঞতায় আমরা এই লক্ষ্য মাত্রা ঠিক করেছি।

Donate a Small Shop
৳ 50,000.00
Donate a VAN
৳ 20,000.00
Donate for Food
৳ 1,000.00
Donate For Food
৳ 1.00
Donate for UTSMS
৳ 1,000.00
৳ 1.00
Donation for Education
৳ 10,000.00
Sponsor A Child Today
৳ 1,500.00