odommobangladesh@gmail.com Banani, Dhaka

Start A Sponsorship Today

Question – Why Sponsor a Child?

Answer– Sponsor a child pairs you with a child who is being deprived from the basic human rights and living in the world toughest life. When you sponsor a child or donate it helps us to fund our project and you can see the positive sustainable changes through the eyes of a sponsor child. Your sponsorship helps a child to dream a better future with dignity and reduce the poverty. Though in open eyes we see that you are just helping a child but we design our project in a such way which actually work to bring progress in the whole community.

Question – Difference between sponsorship and other donation?

Answer– Sometimes we can feel disconnected/confused about the project we are supporting for.  But when you sponsor a child you can put a face and story to your donation. This will connect you with the challenges your sponsor child and the community is facing. Also, you will visualize how your money is helping them to lead a better life. Your donation creates visualize better story. 

Question – Your Sponsorship and Sponsor Child


When you take a sponsorship you will meet with an angel (Child) who is often deprived from the rights. Also you will be introducing with the community. You will then receive regular updates (Reports, Photos, Videos etc.) and also you can meet with the children physically or through online communication platform. They will send you letter, drawings and if you want you can write back to them. 

You will easily see the progress and how your donation making a positive change in their life through the reports and in our online platform. 

Question – How a sponsor child benefits?


  1. Two different department work for the children. Education Department provides the education under the NCTB curriculum. Student Welfare Department work for the progress and other basic rights of the children. Regular monitoring, reports and communication make from both departments. 
  2. Community based project, such as safe drinking water, employment project for guardians, teachers training, classroom equipment etc. 
  3. Taking part in different activities like- clubs, events, picnic, festivals etc. 
  4. Protection from abuse, neglect and exploitation. 
  5. Food program 
  6. Health care service 

ANS: To be a sponsor fill up the survey form and you can donate via website. Your sponsorship begin rigt after your donation. Before the donation if you want to meet with students or know to more about us then you can call or e-mail. We are always welcome to give you the right information within short times.

ANS: Sponsor a child pairs you with a child who is being deprived from the basic human rights and living in the world toughest life. And your donation goes for their education and basic needs expenses. Education can transform a child’s life and break the cycle of poverty. We work to improve basic literacy and numeracy and working alongside communities to help them better understand their children’s rights, and raise their voices to protect and provide for their children. Education brings sustainable sollution against poverty and secure a underpreviledged child future. When you sponsor a child or donate it helps us to fund our project and you can see the positive sustainable changes through the eyes of a sponsor child. Though in open eyes we see that you are just helping a child but we design our project in a such way which actually work to bring progress in the whole community.

Ans: Sponsor A Child program focus a specific agenda which is making street child free Bangladesh. Only education can make it possible. To ensure education we have to support them in other areas as food & nutrition, shelter, health, hygene etc. All these basic needs served so that the underpreviledged children continue study without any distractions. So, your donation will only serve an especific problem to bring a sustainable sollution. Alongside Sometimes we can feel disconnected/confused about the project we are supporting for. But when you sponsor a child you can put a face and story to your donation. This will connect you with the challenges your sponsor child and the community is facing. Also, you will visualize how your money is helping them to lead a better life. Your donation creates visualize better story.

Ans: Two different department work for the children. Education Department provides the education under the NCTB curriculum. Student Welfare Department work for the progress and other basic rights of the children. Regular monitoring, reports and communication make from both departments. This is a Community based project, such as safe drinking water, employment project for guardians, teachers training, classroom equipment etc are included. Taking part in different activities like- clubs, events, picnic, festivals etc that motivates students to study. Protection of the child from abuse, neglect and exploitation. Conduct food & nutrition program Health care service

Ans: Your donated amount will maximum go for education program. Also it will used for foor& nutrition, health, hygiene & coocurricular activities.

After Donation we creates a mail thread with donor ID , name & student’s ID . Student information, result card, reports, donating information documented via this mail thread so that one sponsor can get all the information via one mail thread. To avoid miss-communication we tried to document phone call conversation via this mail .

Ans: Your student's monthly attendance update, 3 terms examination reports, cocurricular activities updates as well as her achievemnt. All the informatioon we will provide. Alongside you can meet with your students any day during class hours. You can meet virtually also.

Ans- 1. Mojar School works with those students who belong to vulnerable families. In that case, the migration rate of their family is usually high. If any sponsor student dropout regarding this type of issue then we will provide a replacement student profile. 2. If you do not want to continue with us for any valid reasons then give us notice before three months or you can refer another sponsor who is ready to take responsibility as sponsor guardian. This email is valid for the next 30 days. After confirming the donation, you will be considered as a sponsor of that student. And we will provide you with the money receipt via mail including two officially responsible persons. 3. We always welcome for students & donor meet up but in our school premises. They can brought gifts or can exchange gifts or letters with their sponsor students. but according to our policy we do not allow legal guardian meet up

Option 1: Yearly 18,000 BDT Option 2: Every 6 months 9,000 BDT Option 3: Every 3 months 4,500 BDT Option 4: Monthly 1,500 Taka

1. Student profile (Attached) 2. Money Receipt 3. yearly result update (3) 4. Yearly organization update 5. Opportunity to meet with the student

Ans: Supporting a child can be changed the life of a child but when you sponsor a child you not only help the child but also help at least three more people. In Mojar School we design our project in a such way where we engage the community people. So your sponsorship to a child actually provide support to at least three more people.

Ans: Our Sponsor a Child (SAC) program not only just asking you to help the children we also provide and ensure the proper transparency of your donation. We share report regularly where you can see where your money has been expensed. Whether it is in education, food or in health care service of the child.

Heading Title

ANS: To be a sponsor fill up the survey form and you can donate via website. Your sponsorship begin rigt after your donation. Before the donation if you want to meet with students or know to more about us then you can call or e-mail. We are always welcome to give you the right information within short times.

ANS: Sponsor a child pairs you with a child who is being deprived from the basic human rights and living in the world toughest life. And your donation goes for their education and basic needs expenses. Education can transform a child’s life and break the cycle of poverty. We work to improve basic literacy and numeracy and working alongside communities to help them better understand their children’s rights, and raise their voices to protect and provide for their children. Education brings sustainable sollution against poverty and secure a underpreviledged child future. When you sponsor a child or donate it helps us to fund our project and you can see the positive sustainable changes through the eyes of a sponsor child. Though in open eyes we see that you are just helping a child but we design our project in a such way which actually work to bring progress in the whole community.

Ans: Sponsor A Child program focus a specific agenda which is making street child free Bangladesh. Only education can make it possible. To ensure education we have to support them in other areas as food & nutrition, shelter, health, hygene etc. All these basic needs served so that the underpreviledged children continue study without any distractions. So, your donation will only serve an especific problem to bring a sustainable sollution. Alongside Sometimes we can feel disconnected/confused about the project we are supporting for. But when you sponsor a child you can put a face and story to your donation. This will connect you with the challenges your sponsor child and the community is facing. Also, you will visualize how your money is helping them to lead a better life. Your donation creates visualize better story.

Ans: Two different department work for the children. Education Department provides the education under the NCTB curriculum. Student Welfare Department work for the progress and other basic rights of the children. Regular monitoring, reports and communication make from both departments. This is a Community based project, such as safe drinking water, employment project for guardians, teachers training, classroom equipment etc are included. Taking part in different activities like- clubs, events, picnic, festivals etc that motivates students to study. Protection of the child from abuse, neglect and exploitation. Conduct food & nutrition program Health care service

Ans: Your donated amount will maximum go for education program. Also it will used for foor& nutrition, health, hygiene & coocurricular activities.

After Donation we creates a mail thread with donor ID , name & student’s ID . Student information, result card, reports, donating information documented via this mail thread so that one sponsor can get all the information via one mail thread. To avoid miss-communication we tried to document phone call conversation via this mail .

Ans: Your student's monthly attendance update, 3 terms examination reports, cocurricular activities updates as well as her achievemnt. All the informatioon we will provide. Alongside you can meet with your students any day during class hours. You can meet virtually also.

Ans- 1. Mojar School works with those students who belong to vulnerable families. In that case, the migration rate of their family is usually high. If any sponsor student dropout regarding this type of issue then we will provide a replacement student profile. 2. If you do not want to continue with us for any valid reasons then give us notice before three months or you can refer another sponsor who is ready to take responsibility as sponsor guardian. This email is valid for the next 30 days. After confirming the donation, you will be considered as a sponsor of that student. And we will provide you with the money receipt via mail including two officially responsible persons. 3. We always welcome for students & donor meet up but in our school premises. They can brought gifts or can exchange gifts or letters with their sponsor students. but according to our policy we do not allow legal guardian meet up

Option 1: Yearly 18,000 BDT Option 2: Every 6 months 9,000 BDT Option 3: Every 3 months 4,500 BDT Option 4: Monthly 1,500 Taka

1. Student profile (Attached) 2. Money Receipt 3. yearly result update (3) 4. Yearly organization update 5. Opportunity to meet with the student

Ans: Supporting a child can be changed the life of a child but when you sponsor a child you not only help the child but also help at least three more people. In Mojar School we design our project in a such way where we engage the community people. So your sponsorship to a child actually provide support to at least three more people.

Ans: Our Sponsor a Child (SAC) program not only just asking you to help the children we also provide and ensure the proper transparency of your donation. We share report regularly where you can see where your money has been expensed. Whether it is in education, food or in health care service of the child.