odommobangladesh@gmail.com Banani, Dhaka


Showing 17–17 of 17 results

In impoverished neighborhoods, the community often comes together to pool their resources and collectively organize the sacrifice of animals. By sharing the costs, individuals who may not have the means to individually purchase and sacrifice an animal can still participate in this important aspect of Eid-ul-Adha. Based on the perception Mojar School intends to arrange Qurbani animal meat for the marginal communities.

Mojar School intends to share Eid happiness to make an inter-class solidarity and ensuring equal opportunity to participate in socialism.

This year the Eid-Ul-Adha will be observed on 29th June 2023.

This year মজার ইশকুল :: Mojar School have taken some initiatives to distribute Qurbani meat to the underprivileged.

It would greatly benefit them if someone could also being by the side of them.