odommobangladesh@gmail.com Banani, Dhaka


We believe only education and text books cannot make a person skilled and knowledgeable without the knowledge of their surroundings. In Mojar School we observe almost all the national & international days along with the 6 different festivals throughout the year.

Such as Eid Festival, Winter Festival, Fruit Festival, Sports Festival, Anondo Festival, Pitha Festival


Picnic is one of the most exciting things that children and adults love equally. It helps us divert from daily life and adds a touch of variety to our lives.


Mojar School arrange guardian conference 3 times in a year. In this conference we discuss on the student performance, result and guardian role and responsibility to a student. The conference aim is to share related information with the guardian so that they are aware about the activities and their children performance. Also, though this event we are able to connect the community people and let them know the importance of child rights and right to education.

Yearly Six Festivals

We organize 6 festivals in a year so that the unprivileged children of our society can experience the same joy and not to be deprived from the celebration of the festivals.

Pitha Utshob :: পি ঠা উৎসব

Every year in the month of January, the great festival of eating pitha is held, more than two thousand underprivileged children get the opportunity to eat pithas that day.

Sports Festival :: ক্রী ড়া উৎসব

Every year in the month of February, Sports Festival is held in all Mojar School together on the same day. Children participate and plays various indoor-outdoor games that day and there are prizes for the participants.

Eid Festival :: ঈদ উৎসব

Every year between 20-25 Ramadan, Mojar School distribute new clothes among the underprivileged children who can't afford new cloths. We buy them new dresses on Eid so that they can experience the same joy of the festivals.

Fruit Festival :: ফল উৎসব

Fruit Festival is on of the biggest event of the organization in Dhaka. In this event underprivileged children can eat at least 5 kinds of fruits. Every year more than two thousand children can eat fruits through this festival.

Anondo Utshob :: আনন্দ উৎসব

There are many underprivileged children who only get a chance to eat meat on Eid-ul-Adha and waited long for the festival. Mojar School arranges Eid festival and Qurbani for them to share the joy and celebrate the festival together.

Winter Festival :: শী ত উৎসব

The severity of winter cannot touch the students of Mojar School. In the last 5 years more than 6,000 underprivileged children have received red and green winter jackets through Mojar School. We distribute jackets to the children in the month of December.

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