odommobangladesh@gmail.com Banani, Dhaka


Yes, মজার ইশকুল :: Mojar School follows Bangladesh National Curriculam

It's unfortunate that many underprivileged children don't have access to proper education facilities in a timely manner. As a result, the ages of 100% of the students at Mojar School may not be the same as those of other children.

At Mojar School, students' families are responsible for obtaining their National Birth Certificate. We use this certificate for national board exam registration. However, if they require any assistance, we do our best to help them out.

মজার ইশকুল :: Mojar School can assist students' families in obtaining their National Birth Certificate, the school does not take full responsibility for this task. Instead, the school can provide necessary support to ensure that the process runs smoothly.

This year (2024), মজার ইশকুল :: Mojar School has taken some initial steps to strengthen the basic skills of students above the age of 18 for job placement. In collaboration with some well-wishers, the school is designing training programs for these underprivileged children who are willing to learn. It is heartening to see that the school is committed to its goal of making Bangladesh a Street Children Free country and is taking concrete steps towards achieving it.

Yes, Some well wisher of মজার ইশকুল :: Mojar School are showen their interest to give opportunity to these underpreviliged children.

"A sponsor can donate in 4 ways like; 1. Yearly 2. Half-yearly 3. Quarterly 4. Monthly But if any sponsor wants another way we are ready to allocate according that as sponsor's comfort is first priority for us. "

Anyone who wants to take on the responsibility of sponsoring a student's education at মজার ইশকুল :: Mojar School can donate at any time. However, it is important to note that after receiving the donation, the sponsorship for a particular student will start. This ensures that the donation is used to support the education of specific students and is not misused in any way.

Our School timing for student is 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM for 2 shift

In the permanent NCTB based School branches (4) of মজার ইশকুল :: Mojar School, there are 5 clubs along with an ICT Club. This provides students with opportunities to explore their interests and passions beyond the traditional curriculum. Additionally, it is good to know that students have access to a lab room where they can practice basic IT related classes. This will help them to develop valuable skills that are essential in today's world.

"There are 1050 student in মজার ইশকুল :: Mojar School 4 parmenant branchwhere student are following the National Curriculam of ours. 1. Maniknagar Branch - 520 2. Agargaon Branch - 270 3. Manpura 1 - 200 4. Manpura 2 - 60"

All the branches of মজার ইশকুল :: Mojar School are on rented places. Despite this, the school is committed to providing quality education to its students and has been successful in doing so. It is a testament to the school's dedication and hard work that it has been able to achieve its goals despite the challenges it faces.

"মজার ইশকুল :: Mojar School donation comes 3 especets, they are; 1. Sponsor A Child (SAC) 2. CSR (Corporate) 3. Crowed Fund"

মজার ইশকুল :: Mojar School witnessed a surplus of 46% which is a significant achievement for the school and is a testament to the hard work and dedication of everyone involved in running the school. The surplus will undoubtedly help the school to provide better facilities and education to its students, furthering its mission to create a Street Children Free Bangladesh.

মজার ইশকুল :: Mojar School beleive mental health is as much important as physical helth. We always keep our students under basic counseling

It is unfortunate that even মজার ইশকুল :: Mojar School has faced difficult situations in the past. In 2015, some unscrupulous individuals conspired against the Founder and Executive Director Arian Arif of the school, and he was under police surveillance for 34 days. However, it is heartening that he was eventually freed righteously. It is a testament to the resilience and determination of the school to continue providing quality education to its students despite the challenges it faces.

Above 90%

5-6 %

মজার ইশকুল :: Mojar School dreams of upgrading their classes year by year. It is heartening to see that the school has made steady progress since its inception in 2013 and has recently started Class Nine in 2024.

মজার ইশকুল :: Mojar School will give the students basic grooming training and with the help of well wishers we hope to give them further training based on their choice (Job type).

মজার ইশকুল :: Mojar School are heartely wellcome to their well wisher. We beleive it is a great opportunity for our students.

It is commendable that the মজার ইশকুল :: Mojar School's ultimate goal is to make Bangladesh a Street Children Free country. The school is achieving this by providing education facilities to street children with the help of well-wishers. This is a noble cause, and it is inspiring to see the school's dedication to making a positive impact on society. The school's efforts are undoubtedly making a positive difference in the lives of many children.

There are 6 desktop to Agargaon, 3 desktop Maniknagar and 2 are in manpura

Heading Title

Yes, মজার ইশকুল :: Mojar School follows Bangladesh National Curriculam

It's unfortunate that many underprivileged children don't have access to proper education facilities in a timely manner. As a result, the ages of 100% of the students at Mojar School may not be the same as those of other children.

At Mojar School, students' families are responsible for obtaining their National Birth Certificate. We use this certificate for national board exam registration. However, if they require any assistance, we do our best to help them out.

মজার ইশকুল :: Mojar School can assist students' families in obtaining their National Birth Certificate, the school does not take full responsibility for this task. Instead, the school can provide necessary support to ensure that the process runs smoothly.

This year (2024), মজার ইশকুল :: Mojar School has taken some initial steps to strengthen the basic skills of students above the age of 18 for job placement. In collaboration with some well-wishers, the school is designing training programs for these underprivileged children who are willing to learn. It is heartening to see that the school is committed to its goal of making Bangladesh a Street Children Free country and is taking concrete steps towards achieving it.

Yes, Some well wisher of মজার ইশকুল :: Mojar School are showen their interest to give opportunity to these underpreviliged children.

"A sponsor can donate in 4 ways like; 1. Yearly 2. Half-yearly 3. Quarterly 4. Monthly But if any sponsor wants another way we are ready to allocate according that as sponsor's comfort is first priority for us. "

Anyone who wants to take on the responsibility of sponsoring a student's education at মজার ইশকুল :: Mojar School can donate at any time. However, it is important to note that after receiving the donation, the sponsorship for a particular student will start. This ensures that the donation is used to support the education of specific students and is not misused in any way.

Our School timing for student is 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM for 2 shift

In the permanent NCTB based School branches (4) of মজার ইশকুল :: Mojar School, there are 5 clubs along with an ICT Club. This provides students with opportunities to explore their interests and passions beyond the traditional curriculum. Additionally, it is good to know that students have access to a lab room where they can practice basic IT related classes. This will help them to develop valuable skills that are essential in today's world.

"There are 1050 student in মজার ইশকুল :: Mojar School 4 parmenant branchwhere student are following the National Curriculam of ours. 1. Maniknagar Branch - 520 2. Agargaon Branch - 270 3. Manpura 1 - 200 4. Manpura 2 - 60"

All the branches of মজার ইশকুল :: Mojar School are on rented places. Despite this, the school is committed to providing quality education to its students and has been successful in doing so. It is a testament to the school's dedication and hard work that it has been able to achieve its goals despite the challenges it faces.

"মজার ইশকুল :: Mojar School donation comes 3 especets, they are; 1. Sponsor A Child (SAC) 2. CSR (Corporate) 3. Crowed Fund"

মজার ইশকুল :: Mojar School witnessed a surplus of 46% which is a significant achievement for the school and is a testament to the hard work and dedication of everyone involved in running the school. The surplus will undoubtedly help the school to provide better facilities and education to its students, furthering its mission to create a Street Children Free Bangladesh.

মজার ইশকুল :: Mojar School beleive mental health is as much important as physical helth. We always keep our students under basic counseling

It is unfortunate that even মজার ইশকুল :: Mojar School has faced difficult situations in the past. In 2015, some unscrupulous individuals conspired against the Founder and Executive Director Arian Arif of the school, and he was under police surveillance for 34 days. However, it is heartening that he was eventually freed righteously. It is a testament to the resilience and determination of the school to continue providing quality education to its students despite the challenges it faces.

Above 90%

5-6 %

মজার ইশকুল :: Mojar School dreams of upgrading their classes year by year. It is heartening to see that the school has made steady progress since its inception in 2013 and has recently started Class Nine in 2024.

মজার ইশকুল :: Mojar School will give the students basic grooming training and with the help of well wishers we hope to give them further training based on their choice (Job type).

মজার ইশকুল :: Mojar School are heartely wellcome to their well wisher. We beleive it is a great opportunity for our students.

It is commendable that the মজার ইশকুল :: Mojar School's ultimate goal is to make Bangladesh a Street Children Free country. The school is achieving this by providing education facilities to street children with the help of well-wishers. This is a noble cause, and it is inspiring to see the school's dedication to making a positive impact on society. The school's efforts are undoubtedly making a positive difference in the lives of many children.

There are 6 desktop to Agargaon, 3 desktop Maniknagar and 2 are in manpura

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