Maryam Begum Nargis

Know the beneficiary’s story

Maryam Begum Nargis, mother of fourth-grade student Habiba Akhtar of মজার ইশকুল :: Mojar School, Manpura, was asked by a representative of Mojar School what she used to do before rearing goats. She replied, “I had nothing, sir!”. Maryam Begum and her family were almost starving. The sole breadwinner in her family was her husband, who never had any permanent source of income and supported the family by fishing during the monsoons and plowing at other times. Maryam Begum started rearing goats to get rid of poverty. When her husband’s income in the family stopped completely, she was forced to sell them one by one, at least to provide food. Her day finally changed after getting two goats under the OBBS project. Under the Odommo Bangladesh Better Stories project, 228 families have been included in the OBBS project since 2013 to prevent the dropout of underprivileged students from Mojar School by providing them with the necessary support based on their skills. Maryam Begum’s family is also one such family. If we look at her conversion draft –

⇒ On 29 June 2021 two goats were given to Maryam Begum under the OBBS project.

⇒ Till February 20, 2024, the number of her goats stood at a total of ten.

⇒ Later on 17th April 2024, she sold 6 goats for 28000 TK in the ‘Koralia’ market of their area.

⇒Bought a cow on 17th May 2024 for a total of 47000 taka after collecting 19000 taka from her savings.

Maryam Begum hopes to own many cows one day. She expressed her gratitude to the Mojar School for this drastic change in her condition – “Pray for me so that I can establish a cow farm one day. I am very happy sir. I can’t make you understand how much, you have done a lot for me.” Mariam Begum dreams that Habiba will study and become very educated one day.